Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cemetery Visiting

August 22, 2009
I made a run to the east of Calhoun after Isaac's birthday party. My first stop was at Pleasant Hill Church cemetery (left) on Pleasant Hill Road. There were several marked Confederate soldiers buried here. I also visited Hopewell Church and the United Methodist Church in Oatman. I ended my adventure by visiting a unnamed cemetery on Johnson Road. This cemetery straddles Johnson Road and is the resting place of Zachariah F. Wilson (above). Mr. Wilson has a story to be told. His epitaph states: He was true to his friends He went north secured provisions for his friends during the sixties.

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About Me

Calhoun, Georgia
I have a new blog at Wordpress called Notes from the Field. A great deal of information collected on trips to cemeteries will be written about Notes from the Field.