Saturday, August 9, 2008

Vaction 2008: Yellowstone National Park

Well we have been home several weeks and now it is August and we have started to school. I guess it is time to write about one of the greatest yondering adventures that we have had as a family or that I undertaken as an individual. Another reason is because I have took to revisiting via the Internet the places we visited over those incredible 15 days in June and July. I never thought that traveling 5375 miles with a near 3 year old, a bored 15 year old and a very interested 14 year old and a wife that would rather be at the beach would be so much fun. We left Calhoun at noon on June 20th and 8 days into the trip on June 27th we were treated to a site that literally millions have witnessed. At 10:40 AM in Yellowstone Park we saw Old Faithful erupt. It was an awesome site of many that we would experience over those 15 days.

About Me

Calhoun, Georgia
I have a new blog at Wordpress called Notes from the Field. A great deal of information collected on trips to cemeteries will be written about Notes from the Field.